Thursday, April 1, 2010

Now on full dose of LDN.

It's been about three weeks since my last blog entry here, and about the last week of that time I've been on the full strength dose of Low Dose Naltrexone. About the only remarkable thing is that the dreams seem to be remaining persistent... and to some extent, off the wall.

It's a good thing that there's nothing to report other than mundane things such as dreams, and I'm thankful for that.

Earlier today I was reflecting on the last 12 months, and that last year at this time I was fully involved in a fairly extensive refit on my little 26 foot ex Navy Motor Whaleboat.  I remember being consumed by the idea  that I better get a move on and get the project finished before I lost the use of my hands... or maybe my legs... to the progression of this disease of slow disintegration.  But here I am still walking and well able to use my hands to hammer and saw with... which is what I'm back at, tweaking the interior of my boat again.

One common symptom that's shared by both men and women is the frequent and sudden urge to urinate. This urge, when it occurs, comes on with no warning.  A woman, in Canada, that I exchange emails with occasionally that has been on LDN for a lot longer than I, told me that the disappearance of this troublesome urge was the first thing she noticed after starting on LDN. I'm still trying to evaluate whether or not that is true for me, since I may also have the common male problem of going and going and going....  It does seem a little less frequently though.

Fianlly, I appear to be going through short periods of being able to speak a little more clearly, but I'm not convinced that it's more than an anomaly and will wait to call it an improvement until it can be demonstrated over a period of weeks at a time.

Next entry May 1.