Monday, May 10, 2010

Nothing exciting... and that suits me fine.

Another month of wondering how long I can maintain the current status of getting no worse, which isn't quite as good as getting better... but under the circumstances I'll go with it as it is, and just be thankful that the symptoms aren't any worse than they were last month.

One thing is disturbing to some extent, not personally disturbing, just disturbing in the general scheme of things. In this last month I've learned of two more people that have been either diagnosed with, or died of ALS. They are or were acquaintances of, or family members of, a couple of old friends, and in almost every conversation that broaches the subject of ALS I hear of yet another case. Makes me wonder just which of the multitude of chemicals that we are subjected to everyday is the primary cause of this and other neurological maladies. And now the Veterans Administration is saying that people that have served in the military are recognized as being more prone to having ALS than individuals without military service and is allowing disability benefits to veterans with ALS.

In my case voice is probably the biggest hassle. There are good and bad days, sometimes it seems everyone can understand me, and then other days no one can make any sense out of my mumblings... including me.

Arms and legs are still not showing any deterioration with the exception of the fingers on my right hand. Not sure how long this has been the case but the speed of movement of my fingers on that  hand aren't as fast as the ones on my left hand, and one very curious thing has been happening for at least three months but seems maybe to be lessening from when I first noticed it. When I yawn, my right little finger, and the two adjacent fingers, spontaneously curl in toward the palm. The three fingers do not share the same strength of this activity. The little finger is the most effected, the next one is a little less effected, and the middle finger is effected the least. However, strength in this right hand isn't compromised... I can still pick up quite heavy objects  like bricks and five gallon buckets full of water.

One other curiosity. I can not voluntarily smile unless I actually think of something funny.  The act of smiling without inner or externally generated humor is just not possible. And then the smile is impossible to restrain.

Still on the LDN at, I believe, 2.5 mg per day. Which is half of what is believed to be the most beneficial for conditions such as mine. I cut it back early last month when I thought that I might be experiencing contra indications.

Remember, if you hear of someone being diagnosed with a neurological disorder, pass the word about LDN.  

See ya again next month.

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