Wednesday, February 24, 2010

DAY 14

LDN I'm told is best eased into over a period of weeks, starting with about 1.5 mg, and peaking at 4.5 mg a day. Part of this reasoning is that it seems to increase the dreams the person has. Some report that they are usually unpleasant dreams. For my part I initially had more dreams over the past two weeks that I can remember on waking than I have had in a long time, most of them fairly benign. However, the first dream on the second night of taking my nightly dose of  LDN was a fairly serious with slightly humorous overtones type dream.

In this dream I had been commissioned, apparently by some government agency, to help Pres. Obama understand the singles dating scene in Washington D.C.  I swear this is not a made up dream. Although this one would be fairly easy to embellish, I, in the interest of science (or whatever), promise to tell it as I remembered on awakening. Please keep in mind that at almost 70 years of age I am hardly the expert on singles dating... anywhere.

In the dream he and I were driven from bar to bar all around Washington, D.C.  In each bar we stayed in the darkest corners while I pointed out the various stages of male tracking female (sometimes vice versa) and the body languages involved. As dreams go it was a fun one, nothing wild happened and it all unfolded in a logical sequence of me as teacher and him as student. He made no comments or action other than to listen to my dialogue, and take notes. Now you see how I could easily embellish this into something that would be found in one of the supermarket Tabloid rags... and I really wanted to.

The other dreams have all been run-of-the-mill stuff, and even now have tapered off to the kind that evaporate on waking.

The only other remarkable thing that has occurred since starting the LDN is that my stools, which have been really soft floaters for over a year, turned into firm sinkers in the first three days of LDN. I've tried every diet modification I could, more fiber, etc., with no success over the last year.  So on that front (or back if you will, sorry, couldn't help it) I'm very pleased.

1 comment:

  1. Did you ever try a gluten free diet? Your, um, "floaters" sound like a symptom of Celiac Disease.

    Sorry, I have just been doing a lot of reading about going gluten free lately...

    Have you noticed any change in your other symptoms since starting the LDN?
